We have had a busy week in English...lots of storytelling! Students have shared orally a personal experience which has had an impact on them or changed their lives in some way. I heard many great stories and I am happy to say most were eager to share them with the class. Students handed in their first piece of homework which was 5 short personal experience brainstorm story experiences. This assignment will be marked out of 10 for completion.
I read the story Charles to the class. This is a first day of kindergarten story about a little boy who gets himself into trouble. We reviewed the questions and students will work on these questions next class. We also did a free write to stretch our brains and practice thinking on our feet to get ready for that looming grade 10 provincial. Most students wrote almost a full page in just under 20 min.......needless to say I was impressed. I have a sense that the class culture of this group is strong and students are open to new ideas and new ways of doing things.
Again my goal is to have students be engaged and focused on literature, open to discussing all kinds of ideas and to help them develop into strong writers.
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