Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Feb. 28

It has been a long time since I have published anything on the blog, I was getting the feeling that no one was checking it...but with a number of students leaving early for March Break and band trips looming, I figured it might be best to continue to post up work to help students stay organized and know what work needs to be handed in.

Old Assignments for Term #3

  • Poem on place: the focus of this assignment is on describing a place that is home (the Comox Valley, in the hockey rink, at dance class etc.)
  • Magnet poem or Quebec poem for those who did the Quebec trip
  • PART A: Choice poem read to the class ( needs to be done) PART B: Written explanation of why you chose the poem and what the poem is about.
  • Poetry Quiz
Responding to Literature

Responding to Literature
-desire to express their own ideas in informal settings 
-ability to gather meaning from reading and relate it to personal interests and experiences 
-ability to use sense of story to organize, recall, and make inferences 
- ability to ask questions, express thoughts, feelings or opinions
- ability to make connections and synthesize information

NEW ASSIGNMENT TODAY : We will be in the computer lab and will continue working on this on Mon. as well
  • Response to: The Man who Finds  his Son has Become a Thief