Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Thurs. June 5: Tabloid article How To/Intro Commercials

Assignment #1 Due: Thurs. June 19 in class no exceptions

You will be writing a tabloid article that will be one typed page in length.
Here is your criteria:
  • include the who what why where when in the first paragraph
  • you should begin with a catchy lead
  • details of your story should be in successive paragraphs
  • you should include an exotic or far away location
  • an expert who backs up your story with at least 2-3 quotes
  • some crazy, exaggerated story
  • include an eye catching headline

This is a link to info on what a tabloid article is: Tabloid article how to

Assignment # 2 

You will be working in partners or alone to create a 30 sec. commercial to sell a product.
I will be marking your script and your final video which will be shown in class.
Criteria for this assignment is:

  • make sure commercial is close to 30 sec
  • say it, explain it, repeat it
  • use a prop 
  • speak loudly and clearly
  • be aware of the camera and produce a good quality video